Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Where is my strength?

Not so fast...
If you learned songs in church as a child, you likely have a tune in your mind that answers the question - Where is my strength?

Let me begin by saying I am thankful my strength does not originate in my muscles.  Though I offer a half-hearted attempt to stay "in shape", my muscles are growing weaker.

I am thankful my strength does not come from my IQ.  Coming from the teenager who knew "everything" to the 52 year old who realizes just how little he knows - I fall woefully short.

I am thankful my strength is not measured by my achievement.  Having left a successful career at the age of 45 to serve in ministry full time, the world would assume I have lost my marbles.  Frankly, I never would have arrived "there", wherever "there" is.

I am thankful my strength is not determined by my health.  Ultimately, I have no control, the physicians have no control and holistic medicine has no control.  I am at the mercy of my last breath - when it comes.

It is not determined by the world's economy, our president elect or my circumstances. From where does it come then?

"And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10b)

Not my joy.  It is His joy that allows me to persevere, endure and worship Him in spite of ANYTHING that may come my way.  Every circumstance. Each bad report. All pain, suffering and persecution that is part of a fallen world.

It is HIS joy!  And in His joy IS strength!

No matter what comes today, I will rely on the Lord completely. I am strong because His joy carries me.  So, how do I "get" this joy?

A change in perspective that comes from a personal relationship with the living God in Jesus Christ.

This life is but a vapor in the spectrum of eternity.  Without Jesus, I would be destined for an eternal hell - but He saved me. (John 14:6)  I can express joy in the midst of turmoil, because every moment here is a moment closer to an eternal life with my Savior.  This life can bring nothing that will change my eternity; therefore, the joy of the Lord is my strength as I continue walking through the valley of the shadow of death.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

For what do you pray?

If we are genuinely honest with ourselves, we would admit that our "prayer life" is not as it should be.

Thank you! (when we get our way)
Thank you! (when we eat)
Thank you! (when we go to sleep)

When your life is spinning out of control - health, finances, relationships and politics - do you spend a little more time crying out for help?

For what do we pray? HOW are we asking? WHAT is our expectation?

1 Thessalonians 5:17 says "pray without ceasing".

Good times and bad. Sickness and health. Understanding or not. Rich or poor.
Happy or angry. Your way or not. Without ceasing.

Join me in thinking through a prayer of ministry...

"Johnny" makes a need known and asks for you to pray for him.  Well, what do you say? "Sorry dude, I do not feel like praying for your stuff. Too busy."  Of course not! We will surely be responsible and pray for his need (even better if we do so immediately).

"Lord, you know Johnny's need and I ask that you meet his financial need in a powerful way. Amen."

I am feeling pretty spiritual! I did my part!  I handed off the baton of responsibility to the Lord...or did I? What are we asking God to do? Magically fill the bank account? Help him find a bag of money?

I suppose we need to be reminded that we are the church. We are ambassadors for Christ. We are His hands and feet.  We are stewards of His resources.  We minister to others in His name and by His grace. (Look at the end of Acts 2) So, we do not pray for God to come down at our beckoned call and fix the situation...

He has already come down! 

And He established His dwelling place within each genuine follower, accompanied by His power.  For what? To be the church to others.

Are you praying that "someone" will find a friend? (Hello!)
Are you praying that someone would be comforted in a time of grief? (Hello!)
Are you praying that someone would be encouraged? (clearing my throat)
Are you praying that someone would be saved? (If only God would share His testimony and give them an invitation...or use me...)

We are not transferring responsibility - we are assuming responsibility!  We pray to align ourselves to God, then do as He directs in the power He has given for His glory.

Now. For what do you pray? Do so without ceasing, because we do not cease being the church.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

How are your scales?

You do not need to humor me with your church answers.  I know them and have used them.  So, let us answer this question based on our behavior.

By what standard will you enter heaven?

RESIST the temptation to say what you are thinking.  We have heard the truth, we know the truth and we say we believe the truth.  But...do we live as if we believe the truth?

I am reading a book called "Transformational Discipleship" (get it). The first chapter is captivating and convicting as it describes what it means to be transformed and that EVERY genuine follower of Christ WILL BE transformed.  So, why aren't we REALLY transformed?

It seems we like the idea of not going to Hell. I mean, who wouldn't? So, we trust Jesus to be our Savior and enjoy life as we wait for our eternal resting place in heaven.  Have we missed what accompanies that saving relationship?

We give up the rights to our life.
We stop living like we use to live.
We stop thinking like we use to think.
We start representing Jesus in EVERY area of our life.
We continually seek the mind of Christ so our minds will be transformed.
We turn from our ways.
We pursue His ways.
We die to ourselves daily so that we can live for Him.

But we grow tired of trying. We seem to keep missing it.  So, we figure how all this will work out.  We mentally pull out our personal scales of heavenly justice and we try to keep a tally. "When" I mess up (anger, word slip, website, lie, etc...), I know a minus sign is placed on one side of the scale.  Now I must do good!  So, I go to church, feed the hungry, keep the nursery, give an offering, sing or teach so I can add a plus on the other side of the scale.  If I do this long enough and keep a good count, the plus side will outweigh the negative side - then, ahhhh, heavenly peace forevermore.

The rich young ruler was content with "doing for God" until Jesus told him to do something he was unwilling to do.  He was good.  No doubt a neat guy to be around.  Probably a trusted friend.  But Jesus was not His Lord and he would not experience the peace of heaven unless that changed.  Jesus gave him that opportunity, but he sadly walked away.

Isaiah 64:6 says, "We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away."

That means everything we placed on the plus side must be moved to the negative side!  All of my effort to do good does nothing for my standing in heaven. As my father-in-law said, "We are trying instead of trusting."  Our scales are unfit for use. The only way to enter heaven is by way of the Lord Jesus Christ (position, name, title). And He must be that in my life personally.

When I have truly encountered Him as Lord and Savior, I will seek His word so that I will be transformed by the renewing of my mind (Romans 12:2).  Then my appetite will change.  My desires will change. My thoughts will change. My life will change. I suppose Jesus would call me His follower, even as He continues to cover my sin daily.  But I am being transformed by Him and in Him.

What are you going to do with your broken scales?

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Does this sound familiar?

"I don't know what God's will is for my life."
"I am praying for God's will."

When we make those statements, we sound spiritual and act as if we really want to know the meaningful charge for our lives.
(But, we are really acting in ignorance)

Why? God has already told us His will. Guess what His specific will is for you (and me). To do what He said. If I ignore what He has already said, will God go scrambling trying to figure something else for me to do?

Consider this thought:  No matter where you live, what school you go to, where you work, or who you marry (equally yoked) - if you are doing what He said along the way, YOU ARE IN HIS WILL.  Can you be disobedient AND be in His will? (If yes, then you say it is His will for you to be disobedient) Can you be obedient and NOT be in His will? (If yes, then your obedience is somehow outside His will)

Do you know what God's will was for Jonah - the prophet of God?  To cry out against the Ninevite's evil ways.  It came as a command.  There was no room for misinterpretation.  Jonah; however, determined to escape the presence of God instead of doing God's will.

As Jonah headed toward his escape some 2,400 miles in the other direction - God spoke.  This time God did not speak with words, but spoke through Jonah's circumstances - namely a growing tempestuous storm and a fish.  After a time of inescapable introspection, Jonah cried out to God in repentance.  God spoke again. No change, "Cry out against their evil."  He did (reluctantly), and Nineveh turned to God.

God's will be done.

It isn't about our comfort. Our agreement. Our feelings. Our opinions. It is about the will of Almighty God in whom we claim as our Lord.  When Jesus provided the model prayer, He said, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."  When we model our prayer after our Lord, we submit ourselves to the will of the Father that His will shall be completed perfectly on earth (through us) as it is currently in Heaven.

I would suggest you do not cry out against the evil of the world as Jonah did, but share the love of God with those who cross your path.  If you and I will be faithful to what He said, our prayer will be answered and His will shall be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Let's stop trying to sound Christian concerning God's will and be who He said we are.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Well...Do you?

John 21:15-17 "When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Feed my lambs.” 16 He said to him a second time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Tend my sheep.” 17 He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep."

Do you love me more than these?
Peter responded, “Yes Lord, you know that I love you.
But that was not the question.
Jesus asked – Do you agape me more than these? Do you love me unconditionally?
This is the same kind of love the Father expresses to His Son in John 3:35. This is the kind of love described in the “new command” in John 13:34 – that they were to Love one another. It is written in such a way, that it represents an intentional action that has no end.

His response was – I love you like a brother (phileo). It is an “affection based on an association”.
I love you because you are my Lord. (conditional love)
Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” Another way of saying it is, "I am telling you to extend agape love to my followers." This description is particular to weaker followers, in which Peter is told to watch over and teach the Word.

Jesus asked again, “Do you love me?”  Again, this is agape love.
Peter responded in the same way – I love you because you are my Lord (association).
Jesus said, “Tend my sheep.”  This word means to shepherd.  (To take care of, guide or help.)
Do it intentionally, without end, in agape love.  To whom? All those in the Lord’s possession.  Using sheep as the subject, it indicates those in need of guidance.

In agape love, we have a great responsibility to express God’s love unconditionally to His weak followers through teaching and to His other followers by caring.

Jesus asks one more time, perhaps giving Peter an opportunity to express His love publically the same number of times he denied Jesus publically earlier. Peter, do you love me like a brother?
Peter was grieved!  Why must you keep asking? Do you not believe me? Lord, You know everything! With every ounce I can muster, you know I love you because you are my Lord! "Feed my sheep."

Our “kind” of love for the Lord will change as we mature in our spiritual walk.  When we begin our relationship with Jesus, why do we love Him? Because of what He did! That is a conditional love. However, as God continues revealing His unconditional love, we begin modeling that kind of love to each other.  When we grasp that kind of love, we can then mentor, disciple, teach and care for the people of God effectively – which is in accordance to His command.

He is asking you and me, "Do you agape me? Then feed my lambs and tend my sheep."

Well...do you?

Friday, August 12, 2016

I am......what?

You have probably heard it.
You may have said it.
You likely have thought it.

The church will take care of_____________________.
The church should take care of___________________.

While these comments are somewhat innocent, the implications are huge. To align ourselves with this thinking is to somehow separate ourselves from "the church". If we are separated from the church, what is our role exactly?

Criticize when we do not personally agree.
Leave when we are offended.
Designate our giving for our interests.
Take no responsibility in the mission or ministry of the church.
Consume Without contributing.

"Now you are the body of Christ (the church) and individually members of it." - 1 Corinthians 12:27 (insertion mine)

As a Christian, I am not only gloriously part of the body of Christ, I have responsibilities within the collective body of Christ. We ALL are called to contribute (serve); therefore we are served as we serve. We are never to young to serve. We are never to old to serve. We are never to busy to serve. We are never to tired to serve. We are never positionally beyond serving.

Why? Since it is God's priority, we make it our priority.

The best model of our behavior as the church, and within the church, is Jesus Christ. On the night of His betrayal, Jesus served the disciples by washing their feet and giving them bread and drink. The next day He was crucified and buried.  On the third day, He was risen in a glorified (for lack of a better term) body and appeared before the disciples numerous times. On the third appearance, The resurrected and glorified Jesus did something astonishing!

"Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them, and so with the fish." - John 21:13

He served them! I pray that we, the church, will follow the model of the Head of the church (Jesus) by intentionally serving each other. Doesn't this sound more appropriate?

I will take care of_____________________ (because I am the church).

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Where is the field?

Ruth 2:8-9 Then Boaz said to Ruth, “Now, listen, my daughter, do not go to glean in another field or leave this one, but keep close to my young women. 9 Let your eyes be on the field that they are reaping, and go after them. Have I not charged the young men not to touch you? And when you are thirsty, go to the vessels and drink what the young men have drawn.” 

Boaz told her not to go in another field. Why? Because there would be ample provision with him.
Boaz said to keep close to his young women and go after them. Why? Because they knew Boaz and they knew his fields.  Following those who knew would provide security and direction.
Boaz told the young men to keep their distance.  Why? He was providing protection for her.

As we try to manage our way through this life, creating our own chaos and adversity, choosing what seems to be right in our own eyes – there is one who offers to be a Boaz to us.

No matter if you are a foreigner to the family of God or feel unworthy.
No matter what others may say or what you have done.

Jesus calls to you NOW.

What should be our response?  Let us learn from Ruth.
Ruth 2:10 "Then she fell on her face, bowing to the ground..."

She showed the ultimate posture of humility, respect and honor.  This is not only a posture of thankfulness, but one of submission to his authority and direction.
If she leaves his field, can Boaz guarantee she will have ample provision?
If she leaves his field, can Boaz guarantee she will be secure?
If she leaves his field, can Boaz guarantee she will be protected?
If she leaves his field, can Boaz guarantee she will receive grace from someone else?

The relationship that would guarantee all that Boaz promised is to remain in his presence and follow his direction.

Guess what? The same is true with God.

The BEST place to be, in spite of what the world and your mind tells you, is in the presence of God following His instruction.  Why? Because He loves you more than you can fathom.

Each choice we make in opposition to God's instruction is choosing to leave His field.

Isn't it time we stop blaming God for all that is wrong in our lives and come back to His field?

Thursday, July 7, 2016

My own eyes...

"In the days when the judges ruled there was a famine in the land, and a man of Bethlehem in Judah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he and his wife and his two sons." Ruth 1:1

"In the days when the judges ruled." If you read through the judges, you will see every man did what was right in his own eyes. The book of Ruth begins in a land of adversity. As is true today, we experience some adversity because we are in a fallen world; however, some adversity is culturally imposed and some adversity is personally chosen.

Culturally, we do what is right in our own eyes.
We have somehow arrived at the place where innocent children are legally murdered, yet we are fined or arrested for imposing on the rights of innocent animals! (60 million since 1973 – the population of Italy) Right in our own eyes.
We have rebelled against God's design by legally distorting marriage for the sake of our sin, yet borrow from God's design to have children in those relationships.  Right in our own eyes.
Most recently, we have declared you can be whatever gender you feel like, without considering the impact, privacy or protection of the population. Right in our own eyes.

With each decision, we celebrate our sinfulness by imposing it on our culture and thumbing our noses at God in rebellion.

Personally, we do what is right in our own eyes.
We know that God says sex is permitted only in the context of marriage between one man and one woman, but we make exceptions and excuses for our behavior.  Right in our own eyes.
We know God leads us to be good stewards over everything He has allowed us to have, yet we still gamble and play the lotto for the sake of our entertainment.  Right in our own eyes.
We know God says to forgive others, yet we choose to whom that will apply.  Right in our own eyes.
We know God says to stop using harsh talk and foul language, yet we do it anyway.  Right in our own eyes.
We know God says to rid ourselves of sexual immorality and anger, but we ignore Him. Right in our own eyes.
We know God says NOT to be divisive, a gossip or slanderer, but we choose our way. Right in our own eyes.
We know God says to not be unequally yoked in a relationship, but we let our feelings override God’s instruction. Right in our own eyes.
We know what God's word says about alcohol and drugs, but we argue for our personal rights instead of choosing to honor God in our lives. Right in our own eyes.

Therefore, we are also living out what is right in our own eyes culturally and personally.

Now, for the spiritual challenge...

How is it possible for the church to grow more like Christ and behave more like Christ when we choose to live in opposition to Christ? (If you are courageous, personalize this question)

Renewal and transformation cannot, and will not, occur until we personally turn from what we have deemed right in our own eyes.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Do you love me?

Our church just completed a series of services this week called "Renewal". I do not believe attending such services will create a renewal within me, but I do believe seeking the Lord in each of the services provides the opportunity for spiritual renewal.

Our executive director, Dr. David Johnson concluded our services yesterday. In his message, David referenced the restoration of Peter.

John 21:15-17 When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." He said to him, "Feed my lambs." 16 He said to him a second time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." He said to him, "Tend my sheep." 17 He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, "Do you love me?" and he said to him, "Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Feed my sheep."

As many times as Peter denied Jesus at the night of His trial, Jesus allowed Peter to declare his devotion.  Isn't that just like a loving Father who desires our reconciliation? However, we still have the responsibility to express our devotion. Do YOU love the Lord Jesus? How? Frankly, words do not get it. A declaration of love is rather hollow unless you speak the love language of the recipient. God tells us His love language throughout Scripture - it is obedience.

Do YOU love the Lord Jesus?

...then confess your sins.
...then repent of your sins.
...then surrender control to Him.
...then read His Word.
...then DO His Word.
...then pray.
...then do not give up meeting together.
...then do not be divisive.
...then do not be a gossip.
...then love the church.
...then love His people.
...then love the lost.
...then share the Gospel.
...then honor Him in your daily life.

Do YOU love the Lord Jesus?

He gives you as many opportunities to declare your love as you have denied Him. It is your responsibility to declare you love in the language the Lord receives. Show Him.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The father ran...

Luke 15:20-24 "And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. 21 And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ 22 But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring quickly the best robe, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet. 23 And bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate. 24 For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to celebrate."

The father not only ran to welcome his son, but he honored him by preparing a great feast and inviting the village to attend. The son...the rebellious son...the son who acted as if his father was dead...the son who ran away from responsibility and accountability.  Why would that boy be honored?

After realizing his sin against heaven and his father, the son returned home (even if it was as a servant). The father recognized the heart of his son by the action of the son. Action follows desire. In the same way, God is looking for a changed heart as evidenced by a changed life.  Before the boy could get his rehearsed confession out, the father interrupted the boy's confession, forgave him immediately and ordered the celebration!

But the father ran...

In the East, older men do not run; yet this father ran to meet his son. Why?
First, his love for him was that great.
Second, this was a reflection of his character.

But there is more. 

This boy brought disgrace to his family.  Before we point fingers...we are in the same boat.  Our sin (no matter how insignificant we think it is) brings disgrace to God, the testimony of Jesus, the testimony of the church and our personal testimonies.  This is why we must turn our ways, hearts and lives to the Lord.  According to Deuteronomy 21:18–21, the boy should have been stoned to death by the community for his behavior when he returned. According to Romans 6:23, we deserve death for our behavior.

Listen closely… If the community began stoning him (as they had every right and legal obligation), they would have also hit the father who was embracing him!

Jesus did the same for you and me on the cross!  We legally deserved death, but He embraced our sin and became the object of our punishment so we could be saved. We receive mercy through Him by not getting what we deserve - death.  We receive grace through Him by getting what we do not deserve - eternal life purchased by Jesus Christ.

Have you returned to the Father? Are you still in the "far country"? He will run to you if you turn to Him!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Who is unfaithful?

2 Chronicles 29:6-7 "For our fathers have been unfaithful and have done what was evil in the sight of the Lord our God. They have forsaken him and have turned away their faces from the habitation of the Lord and turned their backs. They also shut the doors of the vestibule and put out the lamps and have not burned incense or offered burnt offerings in the Holy Place to the God of Israel.

Hezekiah said, “They have forsaken Him.”  They were associated with God, but at some point, they looked at God and said, “No. I want to live life my way without your influence or guidance.”

How is your relationship with God today? Are you forsaking Him? That is a silly question.  How about, "Are you living life your way?" That is forsaking God, rejecting your former association with Him.

They turned away their faces from the habitation of the Lord and turned their backs.
So, not only did they reject their association with God, they literally turned their backs on the place where He dwelled. They no longer intended to meet with God.  They knew where He dwelled; they just chose to not submit themselves to His presence.

Can we be guilty of that? Yes! But, In what way?
If you would be embarrassed by anything you do, think or say in front of your church family, your mama or your pastor – YOU ARE turning your back on God’s presence.
We think we are clever, don’t we?  If we aren't mindful of God in our choices and behavior, somehow He is not there and somehow that makes it okay. That it is called self-deception and we are denying His presence. I am His dwelling place! He is always present! Therefore, I expose the church to every choice and behavior.

They shut the doors, put out the lamps, made no offerings and ceased worshipping the Lord.
There was no intention of re-entry, nor was there any invitation or encouragement for others to enter the dwelling place of God. In the Book of Revelation, the lamps are sometimes interpreted as the effective witness of the church.  They put out the lamps, determined to stop being an effective witness. God was no longer a priority in their lives, so they stopped making offerings and worshipping God.

In your daily witness, do you invite people to know the Lord? To experience the joy, hope, love, mercy and forgiveness you claim as your own? Is God a priority? Do you provide the offering He determines or do you give out of your left over’s? Do you worship Him in your lifestyle daily (beyond a corporate worship service)? Is corporate worship important unless there is a better offer?

By acknowledging where we are in relation to God (really), we can either determine to prepare ourselves for renewal - moving toward God, or continue on the path we have already set that leads away from God.

Hezekiah called his fathers unfaithful. What exactly does that make us?

Friday, June 10, 2016

You CAN do it!

Deuteronomy 30:11-14For this commandment that I command you today is not too hard for you, neither is it far off. 12 It is not in heaven, that you should say, ‘Who will ascend to heaven for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?’ 13 Neither is it beyond the sea, that you should say, ‘Who will go over the sea for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?’ 14 But the word is very near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can do it.

What is “this command”? If we go back to verse 10, we see the following – obey the voice of the Lord your God, keep His commandments and His statutes that are written in the Book of the law
AND turn to the Lord your God with all you heart and with all your soul.

God said it’s not too hard for us. It is not impossible. It is not unattainable.
That means, in responding to God appropriately, we can no longer make excuses.  So, it does not matter how you have been brought up, what you have gone through, how long you have been this way, what you have done in the past or what you think or feel.

Right now, God says to obey Him and turn to Him completely!

God said "it isn’t far off". We cannot claim that it is too far away, nor can we blame someone else for not telling us what to do.  God said His word is in your mouth and in your heart.  Why? So you CAN do it! Does that mean possession of God’s Word equips you to do God’s Word?
Yes, if you allow His word to affect your heart.
The power of God’s Word does not come from education or eloquence – the power of God’s Word is in the Word itself!  It is His Word that saves, transforms, teaches, rebukes, corrects and trains.

Understanding that truth alone should motivate us to consume God’s Word to such a degree, that it is not only our daily sustenance, but is also our way of life.

What does God's Word mean to you?

If living out God's word is not your way of life, you are not living in the power God has made available for you to live in this life.  Frankly speaking, until it becomes your way of life, you will not experience renewal.

What is it you desire most?

Do you desire life and good? Live life God’s way, experience renewal and move closer to God.

Do you desire death and evil? Live life your way, stay the same and move further away from God.

Friday, June 3, 2016

A Perfect Work

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 "Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it."

In the previous post "Daily Holiness", we acknowledged our active involvement in being holy each day. Our responsibility for holiness.  The process of sanctification described in this passage is our passive involvement!  To sanctify is to cause someone to have the quality of holiness.  Note who is sanctifying and to what degree it is completed.

This is God's work in us that is finished perfectly!

What is sanctified?

Our whole spirit, soul and body!  That is everything we are - sanctified perfectly by God!
Our spirit, soul and body are kept blameless at the impending presence of Jesus Christ.  I know I am not blameless (innocent), I am guilty.  Guess what? You are guilty also.

You and I are guilty of rebelling against God and His ways.  The payment for that guilt is death and separation from God for eternity. (Romans 3:23 and 6:23)

But in THIS process of sanctification, I am not only made blameless, I am kept blameless!
I am passive in the process! It is not my responsibility! This is God's responsibility!

It is not your obedience that keeps you blameless – it is God's faithfulness that keeps you blameless by His grace. What does that mean?  As a child of God, who is kept by God – the active process of showing yourself holy (Daily Holiness) has nothing to do with your salvation!
It does; however, have everything to do with your day to day witness that honors (or dishonors) the One who saved you.

I am kept blameless in every aspect and I am seen as blameless in every aspect by His work.  Colossians 3:3 says, "Your life is hidden with Christ in God."

God calls us to Himself.  If we genuinely answer His call, He assures us He is trustworthy and will do what He said.  In His salvation, He makes us holy so that He can justly declare us innocent at the cost of His Son, Jesus.

You may be working so hard at trying to be holy that you have never experienced the holiness God offers.  It is by His grace you are seen as holy in His eyes and saved by His work.  There is nothing you or I can do that will improve or discount His work.
It IS finished. It IS guaranteed. Bless His holy name.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Daily Holiness

"Consecrate yourselves, therefore, and be holy, for I am the Lord your God." Leviticus 20:7

Consecrate yourselves.  Simply put, this is our responsibility to show ourselves holy.  That means we are to make the choices and adjustments to bring our lives in alignment with God's instruction.

Be holy. If our understanding of being holy is completely up to God, do we even have a responsibility?  If being holy is all God’s responsibility, why would He tell us to BE holy?
The Hebrew word for "holy" means: to be unique and pure in moral qualities; to possess certain essential divine qualities; to be dedicated to God for service; to belong to God.

Personally, you and I make the choice for what we believe to be acceptable.  We also make the choice for what we will compromise. When our choices compromise or disobey God's instruction, it is called sin.  God provides the Bible for us to know what is acceptable to Him; therefore, we must be IN His word to know what standards we must choose and then be responsible to make those choices and adjustments. To ignore His instruction is to choose to be unholy.

We are to possess essential divine qualities.  These are God's qualities given to us at salvation.  Why are they essential? First, they serve as evidence that you are His child.  Second, you cannot move toward holiness without these divine qualities. While we may be in possession of these essential divine qualities, you and I choose to allow the Holy Spirit to work out these qualities in our day to day lives.

To be dedicated to God for service. To be dedicated means to be of first priority.  That means my calendar, and my day to day choices, will reflect my priorities.  To choose ANYTHING over service to God is to exchange God for something else as first priority.  If you do not consider God as first priority - you have already determined your priority.

To belong to God. This does not represent your knowledge about God, but your relationship with God.  You are His child, made in His image and intended to reflect His image.  Each day, and in each activity, you will choose to live like the world or you will choose to live like a resident of Heaven and a Child of the King.

If we genuinely believe God gave His Son and His Son gave His life so we may be children of God, we will show ourselves HOLY (Consecrate ourselves).  By what authority must we take these actions? God declares He is Yahweh Elohim!  The Lord your God!

We have a responsibility in our holiness - choose to honor God.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Who is in charge?

You have seen it.  You may have even been party to it.

The scene: minding my own business, in the parking lot of the local super store.  I hear a woman screaming. As I look around, I see an adult running between the cars. Beyond being a little startled, and a tad uncomfortable - she had my attention (and the attention of a few dozen potential shoppers).

What would compel her to behave in such a way?

Then I understood.

A toddler was running between the parked cars and the mother was frantic. Stop! Stop! Come back here! Any loving parent would do the same. Scream. Chase. Yell. Apprehend. Scream again. Secure.

Who is the authority? No doubt - the parent. But in this situation, who was in charge? The child! Legally, the adult is the responsible authority, but in rebellion to the parent's instructions (and pleas and threats), the child is in charge until he is brought back under the control of the parent.

Now, who is the authority in your life? Ultimately, God is the supreme authority - whether you believe in Him, or not. If you are a Christian, you have already surrendered to the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.

But, who is in charge?

We talk a good game. We attend worship when something else does not take precedence. We serve when we can. We give. We pray. We read the Bible. We call Him our Father and declare ourselves His children.

But, who is in charge?

There appears to be a disconnect between what we say we believe and what we say we believe with our lives. If we are not following the Lord's instructions as recorded in the Bible, we are living by our own rules and "in charge".  Psalm 23 records some powerful claims for God's children: I will not lack, I will rest, I will be restored, I will fear no evil, I will be comforted, and I will be blessed.

The truth is simple.  In the same way a running toddler cannot experience the benefit and protection of a loving parent, I cannot experience the protection and provision of my Heavenly Father  if I am running from Him! Therefore, I must recognize Him as the authority in my life AND allow Him to be in charge of my day to day life.

Who is in charge in your life?

"The LORD is my shepherd (my "in charge" authority); I shall not want."  - Psalm 23:1

Sunday, May 15, 2016

4 steps

"There the Lord made for them a statute and a rule, and there he tested them, 26 saying, “If you will diligently listen to the voice of the Lord your God, and do that which is right in his eyes, and give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you that I put on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, your healer." (Exodus 15:25-26)

Scripture says, “God tested them”. This Hebrew word means to show you how to follow the rule – learning its true nature.  Here are four steps God uses to show us how to follow His way.

1. Diligently listen.
While there are many voices available today, there is only one in which you must diligently listen.
There is one that will not lead you astray.
There is one that will draw you closer to God.
There are commentaries, books, blogs, devotions, videos, preachers and evangelists by the thousands - but none can replace your time with the Lord and you hearing from Him personally.
(Some of us need to repent of listening to everyone else but God!)

2. Do right.
Not by your estimation and not in your strength.  You are to do right in His eyes.
To do right is to be morally innocent and proper according to His standard.
What is God’s standard? Holiness. (1 Peter 1:16).
That is a standard that we cannot possibly achieve within ourselves, so what must we do?

We admit our weakness,
fall at His feet,
stop doing what we hear Him rebuke,
start doing what we hear Him correct
and keep walking in step with Him.

(Some of us need to repent of rationalizing our behavior and excusing ourselves from living out what God commands.)

3. Give ear.
This is more than just listening, it implies hearing and responding appropriately to His Word.  Hearing what?  God’s truth.
If you have surrendered to His authority, you have also submitted to His instruction.

If you have not surrendered to His authority, you are intentionally rebelling against the one, true, living God and will experience eternal judgment.
(Some of us need to repent of control.)

4. Keep statutes.
To keep is to watch over, preserve and maintain His prescriptions for living.  Which ones must we keep?  ALL of them!  How will we keep them?
By ensuring they are not being compromised in our lives.
By following His prescription for our lives.
By transmitting the prescription for right living to others through our daily walk with Him.

With Him, we can live His way with His direction by His power. Four steps. Are you walking in step ith Him?

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Strength in Weariness

Isaiah 40:29-30 "He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted;"

Here we find a major truth we must all hear and know about ourselves:

We will be faint and grow weary.
We will fall EXHAUSTED.

Knowing this to be true, how shall we respond?  Take more vitamins?  Work out? Get more sleep? That may help for a moment, but the fact remains YOU AND I ARE FAINT AND HAVE NO MIGHT!  The very things that weigh us down are weighing us down because we are carrying them.

So, what shall we do?

Depend on the One who is dependable!  Lean on the one who does not faint or grow weary.
If we will faithfully trust Him with our burdens, what will the Lord do?

He will give you power!  Do you think God intends to increase YOUR power, that which has already grown faint, or do you believe God intends to give you His power that never diminishes?  Which would you rather have?
As He gives you His power, He provides you with His potential in your life.
So, you will either rely on yours and grow weary or rely on His and walk in His power.

For the one who has no might, He will increase your strength!
Your "might" is the ability to control the environment and those around you.  (No one has might)
Notice, in difficult circumstances, God does not increase your ability to control the situation or the people causing you pain -  God gives you strength instead.
Strength is a force that has potency to accomplish its intended purposes.

Did you hear that?  In your weariness, He does not snatch you away to a place of comfort,
nor does He let you control the situation!
He strengthens you to accomplish His will through the situation!
May He be glorified through our weariness!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Why do bad things happen?

God revealed His name through Melchizedek – El Elyon, which is a combination of two words.
El, which is derived from His name Elohim (Genesis 1) identifying Him as the one true living God; and Elyon, an adjective describing the noun El, meaning most high or supreme.
Together, He is God Most High, expressing His supreme sovereignty over all things.

Then we look at our lives and the world.  It is spinning out of control!  But El Elyon is the ultimate authority over our lives and this world and nothing happens that He does not allow. Our logical question then becomes:

If He is in control, why do bad things happen?

Because this world is full of people who seek selfish gain.

Our nature is not to glorify God, so we are constantly in rebellion against Him, living against His perfect ways.

The world is fallen because of sin.

In your reasoning, would you want ALL bad things to be prevented, or just the things that are important to you? How bad is bad? Is there any level of bad that would be acceptable?

If God were to prevent all bad things from happening, He would also have to prevent us from
acting badly,
speaking badly,
thinking badly
and desiring badly.

If God prevented all the bad associated with a fallen world,
How then would we know His goodness?
How could we experience His grace and forgiveness?
How would we know His love?

We would not, because He would be controlling our every action, with no will of our own. We would have no choice but to obey Him, which is not love at all.

So, in the midst of the pain, suffering and tragedy of this world–
we can sense the light of goodness that calls us out of the darkness,
we can experience God’s forgiveness Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ even when we are keenly aware of our rebellion,
And in His presence, we can experience His peace in the midst of the storm.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Be glorified...

Have you ever prayed for God to be glorified in your life?

It sounds spiritual, but what does it mean?  To "glorify" is to praise God for His attributes, to honor Him as sovereign over all, to show Him as wonderful and to exalt Him.  I fear that our attitude in prayer is that we release ourselves of responsibility.  "I asked God to be glorified.  If He wants to be glorified, He will do it."  We are sadly missing the point of God being glorified in our lives!

Will God be glorified in our gossip?
...in our lust?
...in our adultey?
...in our stealing?
...in our rebellion?  Even if He lives in us? NO!

He is glorified when the gossip no longer gossips!
...when the desires of our hearts reflect His!
...when we are faithful!
...when we no longer steal!
...when we obey Him!  Because He lives in us.

Listen to Jesus in John 17:4, "I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work you gave me to do."

Jesus glorified God on earth by doing what He said.  Why would it be any different for us?  Obedience happens to be God's love language.  While we might like to spend time with Him, offer gifts or words of praise (all of which are good) - Jesus says, "If you love me... keep my commands and word" (John 14).


Not to earn His grace. Not to stay within the law. Not to get extra blessings.
Obey, because you love God and recognize the price He paid for you to be ransomed from the grips of hell.  When we obey our Lord out of love, He will transform us to reflect His glory.

What area of your life might you be refusing obedience?  From this moment, may God be glorified in our lives!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

In conclusion...

For the past nine years, I have taken seminary courses toward a Masters degree.  Yes, I said nine years (don't judge me).  First word of advice - don't wait until you are 40+ to begin a graduate degree!  Second word of advice - don't quit!  Yesterday, I completed my LAST paper for this degree.  The joy I received when I typed two words was overwhelming.  It was not "The End", but was "In conclusion".  It is at that point in the paper, I summarized the previous pages (and I knew I did well).

That is just a paper.

What about our spiritual walk?  As we move another day closer to completing our mission here, can we pause to evaluate and summarize?  If you are walking closely with the Lord, living in obedience to His commands and allowing Him the authority to transform you into His image - you are doing well.  Your "in conclusion" will be a joyous recount of the many ways God has used you for His glory.

If your life does not represent the previous description, your "in conclusion" will be convicting and painful, because it has been about you.  Don't get me wrong - THAT is a good thing!  You see, if I came to the conclusion of my paper and realized I missed something in the content, I could go back and correct it so I could finish the paper well.  You have another breath and another heartbeat.  You can use them for God's glory or for your own.  You still have an opportunity to finish well.

This is your life.

We are either writing our own story or we are joining God in His.  One has a dismal and perhaps surprising ending - see Matthew 7:21-23.The other is the beginning of eternity in Heaven in the presence of God Almighty.  I pray you will choose well!

"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Not just for crocheting!

Psalm 148:13 "Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted, his majesty is above earth and heaven." 
Who is “them”? If you take time to read the previous verses, you will note the following: All of creation is to praise the name of the Lord!  (praise means to worship the greatness or excellence of a person or object.) What is the object of worship?

The name of the Lord.
The name of the Lord is His renown, reputation and character – NOT the word that describes it (Elohim, El Shaddai, Jehovah Jireh, etc...).  In the Old Testament, a name was not only what you were called, but was a description of who you were.  Throughout Scripture God reveals His character and majesty to us through His namesTherefore, we worship the name of the Lord for what it reveals about God
Why?  Scripture says “For His name alone is exalted”.
The majesty of God (His splendor, authority, strength and character) is above earth and heaven.  This description indicates there is NONE like Him, AND there is none that can compare to Him.
When we study the names He reveals to us in the Bible, we will better understand His character and glory. With that understanding, we will be drawn to the place of genuine worship.
I suppose the next question should be, "How do we worship the name of the Lord?"
We can sing. We can pray. We can meditate. We can serve. But, something is still missing.
Since we are ambassadors (official representatives) FOR Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20), our worship and praise of the character (name) of God is displayed in our attitude and behavior in the communities in which we live. We can not praise the name of the Lord in hate. Or selfishness. Or bitterness. Or unforgiveness.  Or stagnation. We praise the name of the Lord as we reflect His character!
Psalm 148:13 is a beautiful verse, but it is not just for crocheting on pillowcases.


Friday, March 25, 2016

Sunday is coming...

Isaiah 53:1-11

1 Who has believed what he has heard from us? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?
2 For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; he had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him.
3 He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.
6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned-every one-to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth.
8 By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people?
9 And they made his grave with the wicked and with a rich man in his death, although he had done no violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it was the will of the LORD to crush him; he has put him to grief; when his soul makes an offering for guilt, he shall see his offspring; he shall prolong his days; the will of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
11 Out of the anguish of his soul he shall see and be satisfied; by his knowledge shall the righteous one, my servant, make many to be accounted righteous, and he shall bear their iniquities.

Meditate on the truth of this prophecy.

By faith, this event is life and eternity changing! Therefore, it is time to take off your grave clothes, leave the chains of bondage behind and walk out of the tomb.  We do not live in His death, we live in  His resurrection.

We recognize the sacrifice of Jesus Christ today, but Sunday is coming!!!!! Let's live as though we believe it!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

For me? Incredible!

I cannot help but contemplate the cross today.  While it represents my "new" life and eternal hope in Christ, it was a journey of love for my Savior. En route to the garden, where He knew betrayal was on the horizon and unspeakable pain would come the following day, Jesus poured out His heart to the remaining disciples.

He did not complain to them.
He did not whine.
He did not wish for something different.

He encouraged them.
He prepared them.
He taught them.

He was selfless. Yes, His mind was on the coming events, but His concern was for the disciples and their understanding that He loved them.  He loves you too.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.  For Jesus so loved the Father, He obeyed Him unto death on a cross. For Jesus so loved me, He willingly became sin, suffered in my place, and died.  He became sin and DIED.  For me.  For you. Why?  Because you and I were/are helpless and hopeless. Without Jesus, we have only condemnation and eternal separation from the love of God. So, He (God the Son) was condemned in our place.


He suffered because of sin.  He was separated from God the Father because of sin.  He was at the will of Satan (though for a short time) because of sin.  In our helpless circumstance, the Father provided the only way to eternal hope and security through His Son.

It IS finished. We will either identify with Christ by faith (confession, repentance, surrender) or we will remain in our helpless and hopeless state.  I am thankful for a Savior who offers me every opportunity to experience His abundant love!

Sunday, March 20, 2016


Romans 5:9 "Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God."

We (those who have trusted Jesus Christ for salvation) have now been justified by His blood.  Being justified, the offense and debt we have against God is removed.  One way to remember the result of being justified is:

“Just-as-if-I’d” never sinned.

How is this achieved? Scripture says by His blood by faith.

So, to be justified is to be declared righteous and set free in the strength and power of Jesus!
Without this justification, we are declared guilty and condemned in our weakness and pride.
The bondage we were in because of sin has been removed by Jesus through His life, as He gave His life for us.  That is justified by His blood, but it is also by faith. In faith you believe Jesus did what God said He did and trust that His righteousness will be credited to you through His sacrifice as God said it would.

Not only did Christ pay the debt and remove our sin, His sacrifice also saved (rescued) us from the wrath of God!  The text is written in the passive tense declaring we could not rescue ourselves.

We are helpless.

So, how did Jesus rescue us? Jesus DID NOT take on the wrath of God.  The wrath of God, as described in Scripture, will come against the ungodliness and unrighteousness of mankind in the day of the Lord. 

Christ saved us from the wrath of God by removing the very thing that would cause us to receive His wrath!

In short, He became sin. He became my offense and credited me with His sinless life.  2 Corinthians 5:21 – “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

He did what I could not do...because He loved me...while I was His enemy. He is my Lord and Savior!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Bending the knee

My mother had a much needed knee replacement surgery three weeks (and 3 days) ago. The procedure went well. The hospital staff, however, did not get her up as quickly as the surgeon anticipated and the intensive therapy did not achieve the expected results. Talking with Mom, she was happy with the movement she now had - which was more than she has had in decades!

The surgeon had a follow up visit last week and was dissatisfied with Mom's condition.  He was not happy with 50% movement and declared the hospital did not do its job, the therapist group did not do their job and Mom did not yield herself to therapy in the way she should have.  He cancelled therapy and gave Mom until yesterday to make a decision - go in Tuesday for a follow up procedure to break through the scar tissue or remain just as you are.

Well, she did.  And he did.  I received a call from Dad a while ago that Mom had 100% movement in her leg! (Praise the Lord)

Now for the painful part.

God tells us who we can be in Him. We know who we used to be, we look in the mirror and are content with our progress - even though we are still missing God's expectations.  Generally speaking, the church is not doing its job (teaching in the power of the Spirit), small groups have not done their job (holding each other accountable and making disciples) and we have each failed to yield to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

We MUST be broken to the point of bending our knee before God Almighty! Not just 50%, but 100%. We may not want to hear the news (since we are all doing so much better than we were), but it is time to go back in for a follow up procedure and allow God to move us to where we should be.

Will you join me as I humble myself before God and ask Him to break me? I pray we will not settle for less than God's best so that He may be abundantly glorified through His church.

"Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:9-11

Sunday, March 13, 2016

By His wounds...or not.

But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.  - Isaiah 53:5

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. - 1 Peter 2:24

We have entered a season where these verses become especially meaningful. Aren't you grateful we are given the opportunity to be healed?  Obviously, we must ask from what we are healed and how does this healing come about?

We are each plagued with a sin disease. Without healing, we are doomed without any hope. No hope of eternity in Heaven. No hope for righteousness. No hope for goodness. No hope for acceptance by the one, true, living God.

How does this healing come about? The ESV, NIVand HCSB translations say "by his wounds". The NAS translation says "by his scourging".  The KJV and NKJV say, "by his stripes". So what images come to mind? The passion of the Christ? Jesus beaten to within a breath of His life? If that is accurate, we are saying that Jesus brought us healing because man beat Him. Which stripe? Which bruise?

The Hebrew and Greek texts are singular, not plural (Meaning our translations are lacking). Therefore, by His wound, we are healed. Which wound could possibly bring us healing? A scourging? A crown of thorns? Nails in His hands or feet? I contend that none of the above could bring us healing from our sin.

For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. - 2 Corinthians 5:21

JESUS BECAME SIN. For the first and only time in eternity, Jesus was separated from God the Father. Becoming sin was THE wound that could bring us God's righteousness, the condition that can be obtained only in the absence of sin. By the work of Christ, not the efforts of man, we can be healed. Have you?

Sunday, March 6, 2016

You want me to do what?

Genesis 22:1-2 "After these things God tested Abraham and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.” He said, “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.”

Scripture says God tested Abraham.  What does that mean? Why would God, who knows everything, need to test a man?  Since God knows our hearts, the test would not be for God to know the faith of Abraham, it would be for Abraham to know the genuineness of the faith he proclaimed in God.

It is one thing to say you have faith, but Scripture says faith without works is dead (James 2:17); meaning there is evidence of your faith in your behavior.

The test was a serious test. God told Abraham to take his only son, whom he loved, and offer him as a burnt offering.  This is the son Abraham longed for and was the faithful promise of God.  Would his devotion and faith still be to the God who miraculously provided Isaac, or would Abraham’s love for his son be greater?

What do we call something that steals our love and devotion from God? An idol.

The test is also a test for idols! "Abraham, is there anything, or anyone, that you love more than me?"
Perhaps God is using the passage to test you and me today. What or who do you love more than God?
While you may provide a "church" answer, how does your life answer that question?

What/who encroaches on your time in prayer, time in the Word or service to God?
(Relationships, gaming systems, work, family, tv, computer, self - other suggestions?)

The command to Abraham is relevant to you and me today.  We must re-prioritize whatever is coming before God; and ensure God is sitting on the throne of our lives. He is the One who died in your place to do what you could not do so you may be reconciled to God.  He is worthy of your devotion, loyalty, trust, love and obedience.

"Take your  __________, that you love, and surrender it to me as an offering."
Abraham stepped out in obedience and God was glorified. What will you do today?

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Convicted to Live

1 Thessalonians 1:5 "because our gospel came to you not only in word, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction. You know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake."

Not only did Paul and his team share the Gospel with full conviction, they lived out the Gospel in their presence. The phrase “we proved to be”, indicates they possessed the same characteristics they preached – and it was seen!

I can tell you I am gentle in spirit and it is by the power of the Gospel I have been delivered from my anger issues and harsh language.  That is a great testimony until I am in a situation that may prove to be explosive.  Now, we will see if my testimony is true. Will the power of the Gospel I declare overcome my personal response and affirm my testimony – or will I excuse my behavior and ruin the testimony of the power of the Gospel?

In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul said, “Be imitators of me as I am of Christ.”

That is a bold invitation that is rooted in full conviction!  He was humbly admitting Jesus was the only one worth imitating and he was personally living with that intention.  Jesus teaches us how to live in the power of the Holy Spirit, describing what to do and what not to do.  He then commands that we follow His teaching.  His teaching is not to restrict our lifestyle, but to reflect His!

So, when we ignore, disobey and rebel – we are choosing NOT to reflect Jesus to a world that desperately needs to see Him!  Our testimony is diminished and His testimony is diminished in us.
You can expect your children (or those who look to you) to model your behavior more than your words because your actions represent your full conviction. Is worship important? For what reasons do you "skip"? The lake, golf course, vacation, too tired? So, worship is important unless something else comes up. Let us live as though we believe what the Bible says (with full conviction)!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Somebody is getting served!

"But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.  God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." - John 4:23-24

We join together in a worship service each week.  Is it possible for a group of people to be involved in the same service, while some worship and some do not?
Is worship dictated by how loud or good you sing? (I hope not)
Is it dictated by how well you pay attention to God’s Word? (no comment)
In both the Hebrew and Greek language, worship is to bow before another.  It is to prostrate yourself in submission to a higher authority. Why is that important? It is impossible to rebel against the authority if you are in complete submission to Him.  You have placed yourself at His mercy.  Worship.

That means, When we gather for worship, we must adjust our attitudes and hearts to reflect this kind of submission.  If we have come to see what we can get out of the service, WE are being served.  That means we have risen above others to be served (and not prostrate before God). If, however, we have come to lay ourselves before God, He is being served. Worship is not about us.

Music changes, instruments change, and we have songs written centuries ago and some brand new. For us to withhold our praise to God because it is not our favorite song (or written in the right century) is to place our opinion above God’s dominion. We don't sing because it is our favorite song, We sing because He is worthy!

If you come only to hear a preacher teach – you may or may not get something useful. But, if you submit yourself to the authority of God's Word, giving Him your heart to change and mold into His image – you will get something useful EVERY time.

To go deeper, we cast aside our personal preferences and prejudices for the sake and glory of the King of Kings. We submit ourselves to the sacrifice of praise (Hebrews 13:15) and offer ourselves as living sacrifices to be transformed by the renewing of our minds through His Word (Romans 12:1-2).

Now, go worship in spirit and truth.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Who is the Slacker?

John 14:21Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.”

If God describes those who possess His commands and keeps (observes and guards) them as those who love Him, how do you think He would describe those who posses His commands and disregards them? _____________  You can be disobedient and still be saved.  You will not, however, be living in God’s pleasure and experiencing the Lord in you (Life to the full, John 10:10).

Isn’t this what causes us to question our salvation?  We do not sense God at work in our lives or we do not see Jesus manifest Himself to us (as far as we can tell). Rather than asking “Where is God?”, we should be asking “Why is God not manifesting Himself in me?”  The first assumes God is NOT doing His part.  The second goes to the root of the problem. Am I doing my part to live in God’s pleasure? 

Am I keeping what He is teaching?

Those who actively show love to the Father (in the way He prescribes) will receive love from the Father, love from the Son and He will manifest (make visible) Himself to them by the Holy Spirit.

Are you "keeping", or ignoring, the Lord's commands? To answer appropriately, you must avoid your personal evaluation (do not think more highly than you ought - Romans 12:3). Instead, ask yourself this question, "Is the Lord making Himself visible through me?" If He is not, you are not

By His grace that can change right now. Set your heart toward Jesus, listen to Him, then do what He says. Rest assured, since He told you, it is part of His plan and He has given you "another Helper" to accomplish that which He commands.

Monday, February 22, 2016

A Little Help, Please!

"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you." John 14:16-17

The Holy Spirit is given two names by our Lord in this passage: “another Helper” and “the Spirit of truth.”  The Greek word translated “Helper” is parakletos and means “called alongside to help.” The word is generic and covers a wide range of meanings, such as...
  • helper
  • encourager
  • mediator
  • assistant
  • comforter
Some translations use "Comforter", but if the Holy Spirit is only the Comforter, what is His role? He comforts.  There is no doubt He comforts perfectly, but His role is greater.  Now, going back to the description of the word parakletos above, what is the role of the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit works cooperatively (alongside) in us and through us to accomplish that which God desires. Aren't you grateful God did not set us up for failure? Yes, His standards are unattainable by our personal efforts, but He gave us "another Helper" to bring Himself glory. That is a beautiful truth that should encourage us greatly.

BUT, (To make this a little more personal) if we are not living as God expects, it is because WE are not yielding to the Holy Spirit whom He sent to dwell within us to help us live according to His expectations!  There is much "chatter" about being filled with the Holy Spirit. If you have been saved by the grace of God, you have all the Holy Spirit you are going to get (and He will "be with you forever")! Being filled is not more, as in volume. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is to be under more of His control.  The Spirit of Truth uses the Word of Truth to guide us into all truth - which brings God glory in our lives.

So. Who is going to be in control today? Who is going to receive glory in your life? I can tell you who deserves to have control and receive glory... And He gave you the Holy Spirit to help you do it. (I realize we will not live perfectly, but I can see areas for improvement in my life, today, if I would lean on my Helper.)

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Where's the Fruit?

John 15:1-3I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.

Have you considered what it means that the Father "takes away" the branch that does not bear fruit?
I agree this can be a difficult passage; however, it does not seem consistent with God to take away a branch that has no fruit.

What is the goal of the vinedresser? To tend the vine and to produce the best fruit. Look at verse 2 again, what do you know about the branch that is taken away? It is IN Jesus and it is not bearing fruit.

So, what does it means to be “in me”. Connected to, influenced by, nourished through and dependent on. Literally, an extension of the vine (Jesus)! Even if the branch is not bearing fruit, it is still an extension of Jesus!  What would be the benefit of taking away the branch that is part of Jesus?

Don't miss this! The word translated “take away” is associated with termination and punishment; however, the word also means to pick up!

Help me translate. Which definition would be more consistent with God’s character in this passage? That God would take away an extension of His Son or that He would pick it up? The vinedresser desires the best fruit from the vine, so if a branch connected to the vine is not bearing fruit, the vinedresser puts the branch in the best position to begin bearing fruit.

Be encouraged! Being hidden in Christ, you do not have to fear that God the Father will take you away because you are not meeting His expectations. Christ Jesus has already met His expectations!  You have been grafted into the Vine and He will place you where you need to be to begin bearing fruit, more fruit and much fruit. Listen to Him...and obey.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Ask whatever you wish...

John 15:7 If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”

One who is unfamiliar with the character of God may focus on the latter portion of the verse, “ask whatever they wish and it will be done for them.”

How is that statement contradictory to God’s character?

There is a difference between my will be done and Thy will be done.  One is what I DESIRE, the other is what GOD DESIRES. Since our hearts are described as "deceitful above all things and beyond cure" (Jeremiah 17:9), what would compel God to give us what we desire?

We know we are to have a balanced diet to maintain a healthy body. That incorporates the right portions of fruits and vegetables, grains, protein and fat.  (In the South, we begin with fat and fry our vegetables. Call it expediency.)  If you were to give a child the authority to plan her own meals, to ask for whatever she wanted – what would it look like? Sugar, pizza, coke, candy, chocolate, dessert, etc...  The same concept applies to us.
God knows what is best. (Do you believe that?)
God’s will, will be done. (It doesn't really matter if you believe that, it is fact.)   

So, unless our request is in alignment with His will – guess what, it will not be done!

You and I are in no position to demand of God, or attempt to manipulate Him. We are His branches who can accomplish nothing apart from Him. So, how do we reconcile this verse?
Understanding “abide” means "to stay", if I stay in Him and His words stay in me, THEN I can ask whatever I wish and it will be done for me.  Why? Because abiding imparts His desire into my heart.  Through this abiding, I desire what God desires; therefore, whatever I ask IS His will and His will be done.