Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Journey to the Cross - Betrayed

***Click the title ⤴️ for the podcast.***

 Jesus loved Judas in peter equally and sacrificially, knowing what age would do.

The cross is not about our worth, it is that Jesus was worthy to be the final sacrificial lamb who would take away the sins of the world. The cross would be the greatest display of love to God the father, for Jesus was obedient to death. It was also the greatest display of love to mankind, for Jesus willingly took our place and punishment. (Parentheses no matter our previous actions)

Monday, February 19, 2018

Behind Closed Doors

The first in a series, "Journey to the Cross". The religious leaders did not wonder if they should kill Jesus, they debated on HOW to kill Jesus. They did secret...behind closed doors. Is it possible to be so blinded by tradition that we miss the truth?

Monday, February 5, 2018

Why Evangelize?

Passive evangelism...

It occurs when we are fearful of rejection, of saying the wrong thing, not knowing what to say, or being asked something we cannot answer.  Here are two statements that are prominent among passive evangelists:
1. I will let my life be my testimony.
2. Preach the Gospel and, if necessary use words. (St. Francis of Assisi)
Do we live out our life in complete obedience everywhere we go in everything we do? Do we live as Christ to such a degree that we have been mistaken for Jesus? Have you EVER had someone approach you about how to know Jesus by your lifestyle alone?

That is the problem. What we use as our primary method of evangelism is the least effective.  Following the below link, we will answer these questions:
1. Why must I evangelize?
2. What do I say?
3. Where do I say it?


click HERE