Monday, June 10, 2024


I have not always been a big fan of leftovers, but I can make an exception as grocery prices increase! While I enjoy leftovers, I would not provide them to guests. 

What is the point? Read on...

Why did God have regard for Abel's offering but not Cain's?

Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground.

On the surface, there is nothing disrespectful about this offering. However, the Hebrew word for Cain's offering is one of any produce or harvest.

Abel brought the firstborn of his flock and their fat portions.

On the surface, nothing is exceptional with this offering. However, the Hebrew word for Abel's offering means multiple of the choicest animals with their finest cuts.

In all the fields Cain had, he did not bring the best or worst. 

Nor did he bring a proportionate amount. 

Cain gave little regard for his offering and brought leftovers.

From all the firstborns of Abel's flocks, he gave God his best with all their finest pieces.

They both brought an offering, but what they offered reveals something about their hearts toward the Lord.

Does God have regard for your offering?

Your offering is not a response to the sermon, music selection, or staff. 

It is a heart response to the living God!

As you prepare to give God your offering:

Reflect on God's holiness and goodness toward you.

Thank Him for the ability and opportunity He has given you to earn money.

Give Him your first and best!


"For our sake, He made Him to be sin who knew no sin so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God." (2 Corinthians 5:21)

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