Monday, January 29, 2018

Being the Church by Giving

Matthew 6:19-2119 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Here lies a kingdom principle that must become a reality for us today if we are to press on toward the goal of being followers of Jesus Christ. From His teaching, we know there are only two places in which we can lay up our treasures.  Here or in Heaven.  
Laying up our treasure HERE is investing in the temporary and saving it for the things we desire. What can we expect with this treasure?  Jesus said it will go away or it will be stolen. He said your heart will long to remain here where your treasure has been stored becoming distracted from what God desires.
What does it mean to lay up treasures in Heaven?  This is not a theoretical statement. Take everything – 24 hours every day, all your wealth and the abilities you possess – and commit them to His work in this world for His glory.  Treasures that are laid up in Heaven can only result from our obedience to His Word.
To BE the church by giving, we must hear God’s perspective on the question - Why should we give?
1. We Give because it is Right
If I asked you to list everything you own right now, how long would it take?  Would you miss anything? 
Let’s read a verse and then try it again...
Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein,
Now how long would it take? Our first step to being the church by giving is understanding that God owns it ALL already.  We own nothing, but are simply managers of what God has allowed us to have. Therefore, when God says to bring your Offering to His church, He is not asking you to loan Him some money to accomplish His ministry and mission. He is asking you to acknowledge Him as Lord of all and return 10% of His resources back to Him.
When we choose to keep His resources for ourselves, our needs, our desires and our debts – listen to what God says:
Malachi 3:8 “Will man rob God? Yet you are robbing me. But you say, ‘How have we robbed you?’ In your tithes and contributions.”
Simply put, bringing back to God what He tells us to bring back is the right thing to do – because it is His.
2. We Give because it is Smart
Can you outsmart God?  Do you have greater wisdom than God in any area?
When we place our faith in the Lord for eternal salvation, we also place our faith in His word for present instruction. So, when He teaches financial principles, we can trust that God knows our situation, our emergencies, our debt, our future and our economy.
Where do we begin?
Malachi 3:10 “Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.”
The word tithe refers to the FIRST ten percent of all income in a household.  According to Scripture, a tithe is not conditional. We do not bring the full tithe only when it is convenient, or when there is a tenth left over, or when we get out of debt, or when we amass more wealth.
Many will take what comes in, pay expenses, take care of needs and if there is any left – they might consider giving some back to God.  Dave Ramsey calls that an upside down budget!  To give with a heart toward heaven, we take what comes in, bring God at least the first 10% and use the rest in His wisdom to take care of our needs and accomplish His mission.
We know it is the right thing to do because it is all His, but why is it the smart thing to do?  
Listen closely again to Malachi 3:10 “And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.”
God knew we would struggle with this aspect of our faith!  This is not a get rich quick scheme, it is simply the reality of who God is! If we will genuinely acknowledge Him as Lord over all things and follow Him in obedience to His word...
HE promises we will experience His blessing in a way that cannot be experienced in any other way.
Giving is right and it is smart.
3. We also Give because it is Beneficial
Once we acknowledge God as the owner of all He has allowed us to have, and we obey His teaching concerning all He has allowed us to have…
Malachi 3:11-12 “I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of your soil, and your vine in the field shall not fail to bear, says the Lord of hosts. 12 Then all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a land of delight, says the Lord of hosts.”
God said your efforts will not return void.  He will ensure your soil and your vines bear fruit.  You see, our tendency is to cling to that which is uncertain; however, when the provision is assured, we are free to turn our hearts to the Provider. 
Have you experienced the faithfulness of God as your provider?  I am not talking about the provider when you are in trouble, but your provider when you faithfully bring the first 10% of your income by faith and trust in His promise of provision.
When you experience the Lord in this way regularly, you will not only grow in your faith, but you will find it easier to place your faith in Him and His instruction in other areas of your life.
God said to test Him in this!  He wants you and me to experience Him as our provider and Lord over all.  Did God place a limit on His generosity when He sent His Son to the cross to die for you?  NO! God gave sacrificially and generously.
Following God’s pattern is beneficial because we reflect the generosity of the God we serve and experience Him as our Provider.
Be advised, You can live generously and faithfully give to the church – yet not know Him as your Savior. We cannot buy our way into heaven nor do we have to pay to keep our place.  
We answer the invitation of Jesus by recognizing our need for a Savior, turning from our ways and committing ourselves to His.  

Once you have begun that relationship, you can experience the promises of God in your life as you faithfully obey His teaching. The tithe is not the end of our giving, but the beginning of a godly perspective and attitude of stewardship that reflects God’s character of a sacrificial and generous life.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Love The Word

Click HERE for the audio message.

Love the Word (Psalm 119:97-104)
Should you and I make resolutions?  Resolutions are words of expression. “Be it resolved that I would like to be in better shape in 2018.”  
A commitment; however, is taking action toward something.  “To achieve my goal of being in better shape this year, I will decrease my portion size and exercise three days per week.
Today, I want to encourage you to set a spiritual goal and commit to take steps to accomplish that goal in 2018. Why? If you and I do not take steps toward change, there will be no change in His church. If, on the other hand, we commit to be more like Him, His church will be transformed!
Where do we begin?
Last week, we saw where Jesus called us the light of the world.  We came to understand that His light shines in us when we walk in obedience to Him.  Since our primary reason for existence and God’s will for us, is to bring glory to Him through our lives, we should set personal goals and make commitments that will move us in that direction.
Would you agree that the Bible is the only place to find the things of the Lord for which we should obey? Would you also agree that reading the Bible in the power of the Spirit is how we come to know those things?
So, by setting a goal of bringing glory to God in 2018, we must also incorporate a commitment to read and follow God’s Word.  
1. Love the Word
The things we love are given the most attention. We make adjustments for the things we love. We sacrifice for the things we love. More importantly, we are committed to the things we love.
The psalmist expresses that kind of love for God’s instruction.
Why should we love God’s Law (instruction)?
First, we realize the instruction comes from God to you. That makes it a supernatural message that is personal to you.
Second, we recognize that God’s instruction reveals God’s character.
Third, we understand that following God’s instruction will lead you to glorify Him in your life.
With that, we could all say together – I love God’s Word!  However, what must accompany our words for them to reflect a genuine love?  They must be followed by action!
The psalmist used the word “meditation”.  The Hebrew word means: “Giving considerable thought with a focus of responding properly to the information”.  The intention of meditation is to take action.  
Therefore, When we truly love the word of God, we will read it, think on it and respond to it.
2. Value the Word
From this passage, the Psalmist says God’s word provides wisdom, understanding and teaching.
God’s commands makes him wiser than his enemies. Wisdom is not simply knowledge about a subject. Wisdom is the application of experience, knowledge and judgment. According to the Psalmist – obedience to God’s commandment (which incorporates all of God’s experience, knowledge and judgment) will make one wise. (Therefore, We would be wise to follow)
In verse 99, God’s testimonies provide more understanding than his teachers.  This is not intended to discount those who teach the word, but it is intended to free everyone who loves the word.  
Teachers teach what they have been taughtGod teaches what He knows; therefore He is a flawless teacher to His people.
God will speak to you every day you love His word.  
His testimonies serve as warnings and urgings that align our lives to His perfect way. So, When we hear and understand directly from God, we experience greater understanding than we could receive from any teacher.
In verses 100 and 104, the term “understanding” means processing and responding appropriately to the directions provided.  And The word “precepts” indicates an action to be obeyed by all. Putting that together; when God almighty instructs us through His word, it is not for our consideration,  it is for our obedience – which is the appropriate response.  
In verse 102, God’s word is authoritative teaching, guidance and instruction.  For what purpose? For living out a life that brings glory to Him.
3. Respond to the Word
There is a connection between our love of the word, the value we place on it and our response to it.  
Can we value God’s word and be selfish? Or use His name in vain? Or worship idols? Or lie? Or be divisive? No.  You cannot exhibit your love for the Word, nor can you attribute value to it - unless you obey it.  
The psalmist is made wiser because the word is ever with him.  It is not a weekly event or morning devotion.  He recognizes its value and makes the proper application in his daily life.
The church of today has been poorly discipled to believe Christianity is only a Sunday and Wednesday occurrence.  Without saying it, we attempt to live for Christ with the least possible interference in our lives.  We attempt to live as close to the line of the world as possible without crossing it. 
Jesus said…“Unless you give up everything, you cannot be my disciple”. It is impossible to give up everything for His glory and keep something for ourselves.
He said...“Deny yourself, pick up your cross daily and follow me”. You and I cannot partially deny ourselves, or mostly pick up the cross or sometimes follow Him.
The psalmist experiences more understanding through proper instruction because he thinks on, and responds, to it.  Do you want to grow in wisdom in 2018? Immerse yourself consistently in God’s Word, and following the instruction of James 1:22, do what it says.
In verse 100, the psalmist understands more because he keeps the Lord’s precepts. To “keep” is to comply with a command.  This portrays more than obedience to the word, but an intentional act to stay in the word.
Notice the psalmist holds back his feet from every evil way in order to keep God’s word. Obedience is not only doing that which God commands, it is showing restraint over those things that draw us away or hinder our fellowship with Him.
How do we know where to show restraint? If it is not morally pure or good - according to His standard, we must avoid and stop the activity – SO WE CAN KEEP GOD’S WORD.
In verse 102, he does not turn aside from God’s rules.  When we value God’s word, we will not ignore His rules for us. When we recognize His rules are based on His authority, and realistically, the authority we gave Him over our lives – we will gratefully obey.
Lastly, The Psalmist describes His desire for God’s word.  
It is sweeter than honey to his mouth! He loves the word to such a degree – he hates everything that is contrary to the Truth.

What would your life look like December 31, 2018 if you committed to Love, value and respond to the Word this year?  More than you could ever imagine!