Saturday, July 23, 2016

Where is the field?

Ruth 2:8-9 Then Boaz said to Ruth, “Now, listen, my daughter, do not go to glean in another field or leave this one, but keep close to my young women. 9 Let your eyes be on the field that they are reaping, and go after them. Have I not charged the young men not to touch you? And when you are thirsty, go to the vessels and drink what the young men have drawn.” 

Boaz told her not to go in another field. Why? Because there would be ample provision with him.
Boaz said to keep close to his young women and go after them. Why? Because they knew Boaz and they knew his fields.  Following those who knew would provide security and direction.
Boaz told the young men to keep their distance.  Why? He was providing protection for her.

As we try to manage our way through this life, creating our own chaos and adversity, choosing what seems to be right in our own eyes – there is one who offers to be a Boaz to us.

No matter if you are a foreigner to the family of God or feel unworthy.
No matter what others may say or what you have done.

Jesus calls to you NOW.

What should be our response?  Let us learn from Ruth.
Ruth 2:10 "Then she fell on her face, bowing to the ground..."

She showed the ultimate posture of humility, respect and honor.  This is not only a posture of thankfulness, but one of submission to his authority and direction.
If she leaves his field, can Boaz guarantee she will have ample provision?
If she leaves his field, can Boaz guarantee she will be secure?
If she leaves his field, can Boaz guarantee she will be protected?
If she leaves his field, can Boaz guarantee she will receive grace from someone else?

The relationship that would guarantee all that Boaz promised is to remain in his presence and follow his direction.

Guess what? The same is true with God.

The BEST place to be, in spite of what the world and your mind tells you, is in the presence of God following His instruction.  Why? Because He loves you more than you can fathom.

Each choice we make in opposition to God's instruction is choosing to leave His field.

Isn't it time we stop blaming God for all that is wrong in our lives and come back to His field?

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