Thursday, October 27, 2016

How are your scales?

You do not need to humor me with your church answers.  I know them and have used them.  So, let us answer this question based on our behavior.

By what standard will you enter heaven?

RESIST the temptation to say what you are thinking.  We have heard the truth, we know the truth and we say we believe the truth. we live as if we believe the truth?

I am reading a book called "Transformational Discipleship" (get it). The first chapter is captivating and convicting as it describes what it means to be transformed and that EVERY genuine follower of Christ WILL BE transformed.  So, why aren't we REALLY transformed?

It seems we like the idea of not going to Hell. I mean, who wouldn't? So, we trust Jesus to be our Savior and enjoy life as we wait for our eternal resting place in heaven.  Have we missed what accompanies that saving relationship?

We give up the rights to our life.
We stop living like we use to live.
We stop thinking like we use to think.
We start representing Jesus in EVERY area of our life.
We continually seek the mind of Christ so our minds will be transformed.
We turn from our ways.
We pursue His ways.
We die to ourselves daily so that we can live for Him.

But we grow tired of trying. We seem to keep missing it.  So, we figure how all this will work out.  We mentally pull out our personal scales of heavenly justice and we try to keep a tally. "When" I mess up (anger, word slip, website, lie, etc...), I know a minus sign is placed on one side of the scale.  Now I must do good!  So, I go to church, feed the hungry, keep the nursery, give an offering, sing or teach so I can add a plus on the other side of the scale.  If I do this long enough and keep a good count, the plus side will outweigh the negative side - then, ahhhh, heavenly peace forevermore.

The rich young ruler was content with "doing for God" until Jesus told him to do something he was unwilling to do.  He was good.  No doubt a neat guy to be around.  Probably a trusted friend.  But Jesus was not His Lord and he would not experience the peace of heaven unless that changed.  Jesus gave him that opportunity, but he sadly walked away.

Isaiah 64:6 says, "We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away."

That means everything we placed on the plus side must be moved to the negative side!  All of my effort to do good does nothing for my standing in heaven. As my father-in-law said, "We are trying instead of trusting."  Our scales are unfit for use. The only way to enter heaven is by way of the Lord Jesus Christ (position, name, title). And He must be that in my life personally.

When I have truly encountered Him as Lord and Savior, I will seek His word so that I will be transformed by the renewing of my mind (Romans 12:2).  Then my appetite will change.  My desires will change. My thoughts will change. My life will change. I suppose Jesus would call me His follower, even as He continues to cover my sin daily.  But I am being transformed by Him and in Him.

What are you going to do with your broken scales?

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