Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Where is my strength?

Not so fast...
If you learned songs in church as a child, you likely have a tune in your mind that answers the question - Where is my strength?

Let me begin by saying I am thankful my strength does not originate in my muscles.  Though I offer a half-hearted attempt to stay "in shape", my muscles are growing weaker.

I am thankful my strength does not come from my IQ.  Coming from the teenager who knew "everything" to the 52 year old who realizes just how little he knows - I fall woefully short.

I am thankful my strength is not measured by my achievement.  Having left a successful career at the age of 45 to serve in ministry full time, the world would assume I have lost my marbles.  Frankly, I never would have arrived "there", wherever "there" is.

I am thankful my strength is not determined by my health.  Ultimately, I have no control, the physicians have no control and holistic medicine has no control.  I am at the mercy of my last breath - when it comes.

It is not determined by the world's economy, our president elect or my circumstances. From where does it come then?

"And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10b)

Not my joy.  It is His joy that allows me to persevere, endure and worship Him in spite of ANYTHING that may come my way.  Every circumstance. Each bad report. All pain, suffering and persecution that is part of a fallen world.

It is HIS joy!  And in His joy IS strength!

No matter what comes today, I will rely on the Lord completely. I am strong because His joy carries me.  So, how do I "get" this joy?

A change in perspective that comes from a personal relationship with the living God in Jesus Christ.

This life is but a vapor in the spectrum of eternity.  Without Jesus, I would be destined for an eternal hell - but He saved me. (John 14:6)  I can express joy in the midst of turmoil, because every moment here is a moment closer to an eternal life with my Savior.  This life can bring nothing that will change my eternity; therefore, the joy of the Lord is my strength as I continue walking through the valley of the shadow of death.

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