Monday, March 16, 2020

Hold Your Horses!
(idiom meaning "hold on; be patient")

I understand the concern of treading where we have never trod.  Depending on your news source, Covid-19 is either the pestilence in the book of Revelation or it is a really bad cold.  It seems that the general population should have little concern, but senior adults should refrain from all contact with the human race.

We must discern the news available so that we may react in wisdom.  Obviously, social distance and personal hygiene are at the apex of responsibility.  But what about other instructions?

Don't fly.
Don't get on a train, bus or any confined space with others.
Don't leave your country, state or county.
Don't go to mass gatherings of more than 50 people.
Don't get too close to participants of gatherings less than 50 people.
Don't hoard groceries (there is no shortage of supply).

We literally have millions of people who do not know what to do, so they go to a mass gathering at Walmart and buy toilet paper.  The nation is in a panic.

How do Christians respond?

Sadly, many have joined the panic at Walmart

Pastoral leaders are faced with a difficult choice: faith or responsibility.  
In faith, do they continue gathering in worship services against the instructions of the CDC and State Health Organization? 

In responsibility, do they cancel, or modify, their services and risk the appearance of acting in fear?

Here is a news flash...

Acting responsibly is not a lack of faith!

There are, however, irresponsible responses among Christians. 
"They can't tell us what to do!"  
"God will protect us at church." 
And no mention of names here, but "Come to our church and get healed of the virus."

First, they CAN tell us what to do.  This has nothing to do with "church and state" and everything to do with protecting those who are susceptible to disease.  We are COMMANDED to obey our leaders and pray for them. (Hebrews 13:17, 1 Timothy 1:2-3)

Second, YOU are the church! There is nothing sacred about a building of brick or wood.  There is no "special" protection for those attending church. Ask the many who have been the recipients of evil while in service over the past decade.  Ask those who are suffering with cancer or some other disease. 
For a Christian to claim special protection is to misunderstand the whole counsel of God's Word. We will suffer (1 Peter 4:12). We have many examples of suffering throughout the Bible (Jesus, Paul, the disciples, the many martyrs of our faith).  The special protection is against God's wrath (Romans 3:26), not this world's many woes.

Third, STOP it! If you can heal people of Covid-19 at your church, you can heal the MANY who are in desperate need in the cancer centers, children's hospital, and general hospitals. Do not propagate the virus in the name of Jesus!

The bottom line is this.  As a Christian, act responsibly in your faith.  Do not let your rebellion and defiance be the evidence of your faith.  Let your daily walk with Christ and obedience to His word be your testimony as you share the message of hope and display the love of Christ to a frightened world.

So...hold on. Pray. Read God's Word. Do what HE says for HIS glory.

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