Thursday, February 18, 2016

Ask whatever you wish...

John 15:7 If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”

One who is unfamiliar with the character of God may focus on the latter portion of the verse, “ask whatever they wish and it will be done for them.”

How is that statement contradictory to God’s character?

There is a difference between my will be done and Thy will be done.  One is what I DESIRE, the other is what GOD DESIRES. Since our hearts are described as "deceitful above all things and beyond cure" (Jeremiah 17:9), what would compel God to give us what we desire?

We know we are to have a balanced diet to maintain a healthy body. That incorporates the right portions of fruits and vegetables, grains, protein and fat.  (In the South, we begin with fat and fry our vegetables. Call it expediency.)  If you were to give a child the authority to plan her own meals, to ask for whatever she wanted – what would it look like? Sugar, pizza, coke, candy, chocolate, dessert, etc...  The same concept applies to us.
God knows what is best. (Do you believe that?)
God’s will, will be done. (It doesn't really matter if you believe that, it is fact.)   

So, unless our request is in alignment with His will – guess what, it will not be done!

You and I are in no position to demand of God, or attempt to manipulate Him. We are His branches who can accomplish nothing apart from Him. So, how do we reconcile this verse?
Understanding “abide” means "to stay", if I stay in Him and His words stay in me, THEN I can ask whatever I wish and it will be done for me.  Why? Because abiding imparts His desire into my heart.  Through this abiding, I desire what God desires; therefore, whatever I ask IS His will and His will be done.

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