Thursday, March 24, 2016

For me? Incredible!

I cannot help but contemplate the cross today.  While it represents my "new" life and eternal hope in Christ, it was a journey of love for my Savior. En route to the garden, where He knew betrayal was on the horizon and unspeakable pain would come the following day, Jesus poured out His heart to the remaining disciples.

He did not complain to them.
He did not whine.
He did not wish for something different.

He encouraged them.
He prepared them.
He taught them.

He was selfless. Yes, His mind was on the coming events, but His concern was for the disciples and their understanding that He loved them.  He loves you too.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son.  For Jesus so loved the Father, He obeyed Him unto death on a cross. For Jesus so loved me, He willingly became sin, suffered in my place, and died.  He became sin and DIED.  For me.  For you. Why?  Because you and I were/are helpless and hopeless. Without Jesus, we have only condemnation and eternal separation from the love of God. So, He (God the Son) was condemned in our place.


He suffered because of sin.  He was separated from God the Father because of sin.  He was at the will of Satan (though for a short time) because of sin.  In our helpless circumstance, the Father provided the only way to eternal hope and security through His Son.

It IS finished. We will either identify with Christ by faith (confession, repentance, surrender) or we will remain in our helpless and hopeless state.  I am thankful for a Savior who offers me every opportunity to experience His abundant love!

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